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Young Talent Management

The only such program in Poland. We are building foundations for life.
Nearly 70 percent of the competencies that enable above-average performance of work are social skills.


Joint planning and effective and safe transition of the educational and development path so that
fully exploit the potential

and abilities of the child. Studies at prestigious world universities
are then only a matter of choice.


in English, developing critical thinking with Richard Washington, a graduate studentUniversity of Oxford.

The ability to consider phenomena and experiences from many points of view, evaluate the acquired knowledge, consider arguments for and against, draw conclusions based on them.

gavel club

Toastmasters Gavel Club is the first public speaking club in Poland for young people founded by Young Talent Management, British Alumni Society and American Alumni in March 2014. Meetings are held once a month at the headquarters of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.


Young Talent Management  wspólnie z Partnerem – Stowarzyszeniem Absolwentów Uniwersytetów Brytyjskich 

(British Alumni Society), 

University of Warsaw 

and Fabryką Filmu  is the organizer of the cycle_cc781905-5cde-3194

Oxford Debates.


He will develop his soft skills, gain self-confidence and faith in his abilities


He will find out who he is and who he would like to be, how to set goals and how to successfully achieve them


He will learn how to develop himself and others, experience building and managing effective teams

team work

He will learn how to work with others


He will be involved in international programs, thanks to which he will build a portfolio of achievements, volunteering and contacts

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